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Field connection shortcode reference

  • If you can't find any of these shortcodes in the UI as a field connection with an Insert button, try using the HTML module.
  • For Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) shortcodes, see this article.
  • For the WooCommerce shortcode index, see this article.


Archive Title

Outputs an archive's title.

[wpbb archive:title]

Archive Description

Outputs an archive's description.

[wpbb archive:description]

Archive Count

Outputs an archive's count. Example: (Showing 1-5 of 25.)

[wpbb archive:show_count]

Archive Page Count

Outputs an archive page count. Example: (Page 1 of 3.)

[wpbb archive:show_page_count]

Archive Term Meta

Outputs an archive’s meta term, such as the value of a custom field assigned to a taxonomy (a post category or tag or a custom taxonomy).

[wpbb archive:term_meta key='']


Author Name

Outputs the authors name.

[wpbb post:author_name]
  • Options

    • Type - Choices are display (default), first name, last name, first last, last first, nickname, and username.
    • Link - Enable/Disable a link to the author's archive or to the website in the author's user profile.
  • Example

    [wpbb post:author_name type='first' link='yes' link_type='website']

Author Bio

Outputs the author's bio (WordPress Admin Dashboard > Users > Profile > Biographical Info).

[wpbb post:author_bio]

Author URL

Outputs the author's website or archive e.g.

[wpbb post:author_url type='archive']
  • Options

    • Type - Post Archive or Profile Website.

You can wrap the field connection shortcode with <a> tags to make a link.

<a href="[wpbb post:author_url type=archive]" title="Author Website">Author Website</a>

Author Picture

Outputs the authors profile picture.

[wpbb post:author_profile_picture link='no' link_type='archive' size='100']
  • Options

    • Type - Choices are display (default), first name, last name, first last, last first, nickname, and username.
    • Link - Enable/Disable a link to the author's archive or to the website in the author's user profile.
  • Example

    [wpbb post:author_name type='first' link='yes' link_type='website']

Author Picture URL

Outputs the authors profile picture URL.

[wpbb post:author_profile_picture_url size='100']
  • Options

    • Size - Set the pixel size of the image e.g. 100px.

Author Meta

Outputs the author’s meta term, such as the value of a custom field assigned to the user profile page.

[wpbb post:author_meta key='']


Comments Number

Outputs a post's comment number. Example: 21 Comments.

[wpbb post:comments_number link='yes' none_text='No Comments' one_text='1 Comment' more_text='% Comments']
  • Options

    • Link - Enable/Disable link.
    • No Comments Text - Set the text for when there are no comments. Default is "No Comments".
    • One Comment Text - Set the text for when there is one comment. Default is "1 Comment".
    • Comments Text - Set the text for when there are multiple comments. Default is "% Comments".

Comments URL

Outputs a post's comment URL. Example:

[wpbb post:comments_url]


The Post/Page field connections work for all public post types this includes custom post types.

Post Title

Outputs the post's title.

[wpbb post:title]

Post ID

Outputs the post's ID.

[wpbb post:id]

Post Excerpt

Outputs the post excerpt.

[wpbb post:excerpt length='55' more='']
  • Options

    • Length - Accepts a number (number of words). Default is 55.
    • More - Accepts text to appear after the excerpt
  • Example

    [wpbb post:excerpt length='100' more='Continue Reading']

Post Content

Outputs the post's content.

[wpbb post:content]

Post Custom Field

Outputs WordPress custom fields added to the page, post or custom post type.

[wpbb post:custom_field key='']
  • Options

    • Key - Your custom field key
  • Example

    [wpbb post:custom_field key='blue']

Post Link

Outputs the post's Link.

[wpbb post:link text='title']
  • Options

    • Link Text - Choice of Post Title or Custom.
  • Example

    [wpbb post:link text='custom' custom_text='Read More...']

Post URL

Outputs the post's URL. Example:

[wpbb post:url]

Post Slug

Outputs the post's slug. Example: hello-world.

[wpbb post:slug]

Post Date

See the PHP date() document for a list of date formats or use the Insert functionality in the Beaver Builder UI to choose from a list of date formats when you insert this field connection.

[wpbb post:date format='']
  • Options

    • Format - Accepts date formats
  • Example

    [wpbb post:date format='F j, Y']
    • Output

      December 25, 2021

Post Modified Date

See the PHP date() document for a list of date formats or use the Insert functionality in the Beaver Builder UI to choose from a list of date formats when you insert this field connection.

[wpbb post:modified_date format='']
  • Options

    • Format - Accepts date formats.
  • Example

    [wpbb post:modified_date format='F j, Y']

Post Featured Image

Outputs the post's featured image.

[wpbb post:featured_image size='thumbnail' display='tag' align='left' linked='yes']
  • Options

    • Size - Thumbnail, Medium, Large, Full Size and any custom sizes you have.
    • Display - Image Tag (<img>), URL, Title, Caption, Description or Alt.
    • Align - default, left, center, right.
    • Linked - Enable or disable the link on the featured image.
  • Example

    [wpbb post:featured_image size='medium' display='tag' align='center' linked='yes']

Post Attached Image

Outputs any images attached to the post.


This field connection only appears in modules that have a gallery field setting, such as the Gallery or Slideshow modules.

[wpbb post:attached_images]

Post Terms List

Outputs the post's terms assigned to the post type you are editing.

[wpbb post:terms_list taxonomy='category' html_list='no' display='name' separator=', ' limit= linked='yes']
  • Options

    • Taxonomy - Displays the taxonomy terms assigned to the post type your Themer layout applies to.
      Examples: For standard posts, the terms are Categories and Tags. For WooCommerce Products, the terms are Product Categories and Product Tags.

    • Layout - Choose how the terms are displayed from Separator, Unordered List (<ul>), Ordered List (<ol>), Div/Span (<span>).


      The list layouts are not hierarchical. For example, if you have both parent and child categories selected for posts, they will appear at the same level in the list layout.

    • Separator - Leave blank or add in something to separate the terms (if Layout is set to Separator). Default is comma (,).

    • Limit - Limit the number of terms returned.

    • Linked - Enable or disable the link to the taxonomy term.

  • Example

    [wpbb post:terms_list taxonomy='category' html_list='no' display='name' separator='* ' limit='5' linked='yes']

Post Parent ID

Outputs the post parent id.


This field connection only works on child pages.

[wpbb post:parent]

Post Parent URL

Outputs the post parent URL.


This field connection only works on child pages.

[wpbb post:parent display='url']

Post Parent Title

Outputs the post parent title.


This field connection only works on child pages.

[wpbb post:parent display='title']

Post Parent Content

Outputs the post parent content.


This field connection only works on child pages.

[wpbb post:parent display='content']

Post Parent Featured Image

Outputs the post parent featured image.

[wpbb post:parent display='featured_image']
  • Options

    • Size - Thumbnail, Medium, Large, Full Size and any custom sizes you have.
  • Example

    [wpbb post:parent display='featured_image' size='medium']


Site Title

Outputs the site's title from the WordPress Customizer.

[wpbb site:title]

Site Tagline

Outputs the site's tagline from the WordPress Customizer.

[wpbb site:tagline]

Site URL

Outputs the site's URL.

[wpbb site:url]

Current Year

Outputs the site's year. Useful for adding a dynamic year in footer layouts. Example: Copyright © 2010 - [wpbb site:year format='Y'] My Company Name.

[wpbb site:year format='Y']


User Name

Outputs the user's name.

[wpbb site:user_name type='display' link='yes' user='current']
  • Options

    • Type - Choices are display (default), first name, last name, first last, last first, nickname, and username.
    • Link - Enable/Disable a link to the user's archive or to the website in the user profile.
    • Link_type - Post Archive or Profile Website (if Link set to yes).
    • User - Current or Specific
    • User ID Enter the User ID number (if User is set to Specific).
  • Example

    [wpbb site:user_name type='display' link='yes' link_type='archive' user='specific' user_id='1']

User Bio

Outputs the user's bio (WordPress Admin Dashboard > Users > Profile > Biographical Info).

[wpbb site:user_bio user=current user_id='']
  • Options

    • User - Current, Specific
    • User ID - User ID number (if User set to Specific).
  • Example

    [wpbb site:user_bio user='specific' user_id='2']

User URL

Outputs the user's URL. Example:

[wpbb site:user_url type='archive' user='current']
  • Options

    • Type - Post Archive or Profile Website
    • User - Current or Specific
    • User ID Enter the User ID number (if User is set to Specific).
  • Example

    [wpbb site:user_url type='website' user='specific' user_id='1']

User Picture

[wpbb site:user_profile_picture link='yes' size='300' user='current']
  • Options

    • Link - Yes or No.
    • Link Type - Post Archive or Users Profile Website
    • Size - Image Size in pixels (px).
    • User - Current or Specific
    • User ID - User ID number (if User set to Specific).
  • Example

    [wpbb site:user_profile_picture link='yes' link_type='archive' size='300' user='specific' user_id='5']

User Meta

Outputs the user's meta term, such as the value of a users profile setting or custom field assigned to a user profile.

[wpbb site:user_meta key=?? user=current user_id=??]
  • Options

    • Key - User Meta key value
    • User - Current, Specific, or Author.
    • User ID - User ID number (if User set to Specific).
  • Example

    This is an example using WooCommerce meta terms to output the user's company from the Customer billing address.

    [wpbb site:user_meta key='billing_company' user='specific' user_id='5']

User Logged In

This shortcode returns True (1) or False (0) and is used mostly as a conditional shortcode.

[wpbb site:logged_in role='' user='current' user_id='']
  • Options

    • Role/Roles - User role, in lower case. Separate multiple roles with commas.
    • User - Current or Specific
    • User ID - User ID number (if User set to Specific).
  • Example

    [wpbb-if site:logged_in role='administrator' user='current']

    Display this message if currently logged-in user has role Administrator.
