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WooCommerce field connection shortcode reference

s Tips

If you can't find any of these shortcodes, try the HTML module tip in this article.

Shortcodes with no options

Archive category

  • Product Result Count [wpbb archive:woocommerce_result_count]
    Displays the number of posts displayed in the layout, such as "Showing 1–10 of 18 results."
  • Product Ordering [wpbb archive:woocommerce_catalog_ordering]
    Shows the dropdown sort list that has choices for Default, Popularity, Price, etc.

Post category

  • Product Title [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_title]
  • Product Rating [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_rating]
  • Product Price [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_price]
  • Product Short Description [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_short_description]
  • Product Meta [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_meta]
  • Product Weight [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_weight]
  • Product Images [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_images]
  • Product Sale [wpbb post:woocommerce_sale_flash]
  • Product Tabs [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_tabs]
  • Product Upsells [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_upsells]
  • Related Products [wpbb post:woocommerce_related_products]
  • Add to Cart Button [wpbb post:woocommerce_add_to_cart_button]
  • Store Breadcrumbs [wpbb post:woocommerce_breadcrumb]

Shortcodes with options

Post category

  • Product SKU [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_sku]
    • Options
      • Prefix Text - Accepts either 1 ("True") to allow a custom prefix in the next field or 0 ("False") to display only the SKU number.
      • Prefix - The prefix text to display (Default text is "SKU: ")
    • Example [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_sku sku_prefix='1' prefix_text='Item Number:']