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Singular layout: Product Tabs module

The Product Tabs module is in the WooCommerce modules category, which appears only when you're editing a Singular-type layout in Beaver Themer and you've assigned a single product page as the location.

The Product Tabs module displays the product tabs that you get on a standard WooCommerce product page, including:

  • Tab 1: Full description of product
    If the product's full description field is blank, this tab isn't visible.
  • Tab 2: Additional Information
    Additional information includes weight, dimensions, and product attributes, as in the following screenshot. If there is no additional information specified in the product, this tab isn't visible.
  • Tab 3: Reviews
    Displays a list of the customer reviews with their ratings. If reviews are not enabled, this tab isn't visible

Module settings

This module has only an Advanced tab, where you can customize margins, responsive layout, visibility, animation, and assign an ID or class name.