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Singular or Archive layout: Breadcrumb module

The Breadcrumb module is in the WooCommerce modules category, which appears when you're editing a Singular or Archive-type layout in Beaver Themer and the WooCommerce plugin is installed.

The breadcrumb path is standard WooCommerce functionality. If you have more than one category assigned to a product, WooCommerce uses the first category it finds as the path.

To change the breadcrumb path functionality, such as the Home page link, you can use a plugin such as WooCommerce Breadcrumbs.

Module settings

This module has a Style tab and an Advanced tab.

On the Style tab of the Breadcrumb module, you can customize the following settings:

  • Alignment (left center, right)
  • Font size
  • Text color

On the Advanced tab, you can customize margins, responsive layout, visibility, animation, and assign an ID or class name.