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Use ACF Repeater fields

The Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Repeater field is supported in Beaver Themer via a field connection shortcode.

Getting started

To get started, create your Repeater fields in ACF and use the shortcode to display the repeater field on your pages or posts. You can use the shortcode inside any module that supports HTML such as a Text or HTML module.


Here is an example of the Beaver Themer Repeater field connection shortcode.

[wpbb-acf-repeater name='my_repeater']

<p>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='sub_field_text']</p>
<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='sub_field_img' image_size='large' display='url']">

  • my_repeater is the name of your repeater field.
  • sub_field_text and sub_field_img are the names given to your sub fields.

Output Specific Row Field

Using the Repeater field name and row index number, you can output the field from a specific Repeater row.

<p>[wpbb post:acf name='repeater_0_fieldname']</p>

<img src="[wpbb post:acf name='repeat_1_fieldname']">
  • repeater is the name of your Repeater field.
  • _0_ and _1_ are the Repeater row index numbers. Indexes start from 0 for the first item in the list. For example, the first Repeater row is 0, the second item is 1, and so on.
  • fieldname is the name of the field in the Repeater row.

Due to the shortcode not accepting attributes, outputting specific Repeater row fields works best with text fields.

Nested Repeater

This example demonstrates how to use a nested Repeater field using the repeater field connection shortcode.

[wpbb-acf-repeater name='my_repeater']

[wpbb-acf-nested-repeater name='nested_repeater']

<p>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='nested_sub_field_text']</p>
<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='nested_sub_field_img' image_size='large' display='url']">


  • my_repeater is the name of your Repeater field.
  • nested_repeater is the name of your nested Repeater field.
  • nested_sub_field_text and nested_sub_field_img are the names of your fields inside a nested repeated field.

The Repeater field shortcode supports only one nested Repeater field.

Conditional Fields

This example demonstrates how to use Beaver Themer conditional shortcodes with a Repeater field to handle cases when one of the fields is empty. The example code works in the case where the repeater has a text field and image field.

[wpbb-acf-repeater name='my_repeater']

[wpbb-if post:acf type='text' name='sub_field_text']

<p>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='sub_field_text']</p>


[wpbb-if post:acf type='image' name='sub_field_img']

<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='sub_field_img' image_size='large' display='url']">



Flexible Content

This example demonstrates how you can combine a Flexible Content field inside a Repeater field.

[wpbb-acf-repeater name='repeater']

<p>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='text-repeat']</p>
<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='image-repeat' image_size='large' display='url']">

[wpbb-acf-flex name='my_flexible_content']

[wpbb-acf-layout name='layout_1']

<p>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='layout_1_text']</p>
<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='layout_1_img' image_size='large' display='url']">



  • repeater is the name of your Repeater field.
  • text-repeat and image-repeat are the names of your repeater field sub-fields.
  • my_flexible_content is the name of your Flexible Content field.
  • layout_1 is the name of your Flexible Content layout.
  • layout_1_text and layout_1_img are the names of your flexible content sub-fields.


This example demonstrates how you can combine a Group field inside a Repeater field.

[wpbb-acf-repeater name='repeater']

[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='my_group_text']

  • repeater is the name of your Repeater field.
  • my_group is the name of the Group field which is used as a prefix for your subfield. In this example, the subfield is the Text field with a name of text.


The Repeater field connection shortcode supports repeater fields assigned to the ACF Taxonomy location rule by adding type='archive' to the field connection shortcode.

[wpbb-acf-repeater type='archive' name='repeat']

<p>[wpbb archive:acf type='text' name='firstname']</p>

<p>[wpbb archive:acf type='text' name='lastname']</p>


ACF Options page

The Beaver Themer Repeater field connection shortcode also supports repeater fields added to the ACF Options page by adding type='option' and site:acf_option to the field connection shortcode.


[wpbb-acf-repeater type='option' name='repeat']

<p>[wpbb site:acf_option type='text' name='firstname']</p>

<p>[wpbb site:acf_option type='text' name='lastname']</p>


Nested Repeater

[wpbb-acf-repeater type='option' name='my_repeater']

[wpbb-acf-nested-repeater type='option' name='nested_repeater']

<p>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='nested_sub_field_text']</p>
<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='nested_sub_field_img' image_size='large' display='url']">


  • my_repeater is the name of your Repeater field.
  • nested_repeater is the name of your nested Repeater field.
  • nested_sub_field_text and nested_sub_field_img are the names of your fields inside a nested repeated field.

The Repeater field shortcode supports only one nested Repeater field.