Manage your credit card
If you elected to store your credit card information during a Beaver Builder purchase that information is available in the Payment methods section on your My Account page.
You can manage stored credit card information in the following ways:
- You can delete a stored credit card entry.
- You can add more than one credit card and choose whether to apply the new card to existing subscriptions.
- You can change which card is the default for new purchases.
You cannot edit information for existing entries, so if you need to update information for a particular card, follow the procedures below to delete the old entry and add a new one.
Here are the procedures covered in this article:
- Delete a saved credit card entry
- Add a new credit card
- Change the default credit card for new purchases
- Change the credit card used to renew existing subscriptions
Delete a saved credit card entry
- In the Payment methods section, click the Delete button next to the credit card entry you want to delete.
Add a new credit card
Be sure to check the box in Step 3 if you want your new card to apply to existing subscriptions.
Do one of the following:
In the Payment methods section, click Add payment method.
Mouse over Account in the menu at the top of the My Account page and choose Add/change payment method.
Add the card number, the expiration date, and the CVC security number on the back of the card.
Important: If you want to use this card to renew subscriptions (automatic or manual), select the checkbox Update the Payment Method used for all of my active subscriptions (optional).
If you don't select this checkbox, the renewal process will continue to charge your previous card. See the last procedure in this article if you want to change the credit card used for existing subscriptions.Click Add payment method.
Change the default credit card for new purchases
Changing the default card only applies to new purchases, not to existing subscriptions. To change the default for subscriptions, see the next procedure.
- In the Payment methods section, click Make default next to the credit card that you want to use by default for new purchases.
Tip: The card that does not have a Make default button is the current default.
Change the credit card used to renew existing subscriptions
If you added a credit card but didn't select the checkbox Update the Payment Method used for all of my active subscriptions (optional) at that time and want to use that credit card for your existing subscription renewals, you have to delete the card and add it back, following this procedure.
In the Payment methods section, click Delete next to the card that you want to use for your recurring subscriptions.
The resulting screen shows your remaining payment methods.Click Add payment method.
Add the card number, the expiration date, and the CVC security number on the back of the card.
Select the checkbox Update the Payment Method used for all of my active subscriptions (optional).
Click Add payment method.