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Cancel your automatic renewal

If you purchased Beaver Builder or Beaver Themer on or after May 1st, 2017, your license will renew automatically. Otherwise, it will require a manual renewal.

If you are set up for autorenewal, you can cancel it, and when your subscription expires you can either manually renew or let your subscription lapse. See this article about what happens if you don't renew your subscription.


If you cancel autorenewal, we cannot reinstate it later.

To cancel automatic renewal:

  1. Go to your My Account page and scroll to the My Subscriptions section.
  2. Click the Cancel Renewal button next to the subscription you'd like to cancel.

You can still renew your subscription manually, but it won't autorenew.

Note: If you don't see the Cancel Renewal button, it means you're not in the autorenewal program and you'll have to renew it manually each year.


If you don't renew and no longer have a license you'll no longer be able to download products or get product updates. See our Terms and Conditions.