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Cache Clearing Tool

Caches can really speed up page loads, but their annoying side comes when you're trying to modify a website and can't get the view to reflect the changes you've just made, or worse, that your site visitors don't see the updates.

Beaver Builder has a built-in cache clearing tool that automatically clears caches created by the most popular services and caching plugins under the following conditions:

  • When WordPress finishes updating plugins and themes.

  • When Beaver Builder editor is active
    This works by defining the DONOTCACHEPAGE constant while the page is being edited, This constant is respected by most caching plugins.

  • When layouts and templates are saved in the Beaver Builder editor

The tool is enabled by default.

To disable it, and to see a list of the caches that are cleared by this tool, on the WordPress admin panel go to the Cache Clearing Tool section of Settings > Beaver Builder > Tools.

There is also a setting that enables automatic clearing of proxy caches, such as Varnish and Litespeed. If you're not sure whether your site is subject to a proxy cache, leave that setting disabled.


This tool was formerly available as a plugin in GitHub. If you have that plugin installed, called Beaver Builder Cache Helper, you can deactivate and delete it.