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Where to add custom CSS

Many of these Knowledge Base articles have CSS code that you can copy and paste, or perhaps you want to create your own CSS. Where should you put it?

Restrict custom CSS to a single Beaver Builder page

This procedure applies if you only want your CSS to apply to the content layout on a single Beaver Builder page. For example, suppose you have a contact form and know that you only want your custom CSS to apply to that form on that single page.

To add CSS code that is restricted to a single Beaver Builder page or post:

  1. Click the title bar in the upper left corner to open the Tools menu, then click Layout CSS & JavaScript.
  2. On the CSS tab, enter your CSS code.
  3. Click Save.

You'll see a green dot next to the Layout CSS & JavaScript menu item in the Tools menu on any page for which you have custom code.


See the See the Advanced tab article for information about how to add a custom ID or class selectors to your Beaver Builder rows, columns, or modules.

Add custom CSS to apply site-wide

There are several ways to add custom CSS that applies site-wide, but there are slight variations in the behavior with each method.

1. Site-wide rules for content area layouts

You can add site-wide rules right in your Beaver Builder editing screen. The rules will apply to the content area of every page, whether or not the page or post is built with Beaver Builder.


See this article for a diagram of where the content area is on a page or post. Don't use this location for CSS rules that apply to areas controlled by your theme, such as header, footer, and sidebar.

This method is very handy when you're adding custom ID or class selector names to individual rows, columns, or modules on a page, because you don't have to leave the Beaver Builder editor to add the rule and they still apply site- wide, and you can see the site-wide rules from any Beaver Builder editing page.

On the other hand, you might prefer to keep all your rules in a single place so you can find them easily later. In that case, you can use one of the other methods below.

To add a site-wide CSS code for content area layouts:

  1. Click the title bar in the upper left corner to open the Tools menu, then click Global settings.
  2. On the CSS tab, enter your CSS code.
  3. Click Save and preview the result.
    This code will now appear in Tools > Global settings on any Page Beaver page, but the CSS rules will apply to all content areas of your site, whether or not they were built with Beaver Builder.

You'll see a green dot next to the Global Settings menu item in the Tools menu to remind you that you have custom code. Since it's global, you can edit this code on any Beaver Builder editing page.

2. Site-wide rules set on the Customize > Additional CSS tab

This method applies the CSS code everywhere on your site: Beaver Builder and non-Beaver Builder content areas and any theme.

The Customize > Additional CSS tab in Customizer is actually a WordPress option, it's not provided by the Beaver Builder Theme. See the article on the Additional CSS tab for more details about how that tab functions.

  • Although the Customize > Additional CSS tab exists in every WordPress installation, the code placed there is theme-specific. It disappears when you switch themes and comes back if you return to the old theme. If you want to migrate code to a new theme, copy and paste it manually.

  • The CSS you enter at Customize > Additional CSS is stored in the database. If a custom CSS rule contains a url attribute, the relative path to a file in your WordPress installation may need to change. In most cases, if you are pointing to any directory within the wp-content directory, the relative path should start with wp-content.

3. style.css (any theme)

Like Method 2, this method applies the CSS code everywhere on your site: Beaver Builder and non-Beaver Builder content areas and any theme.

You can add site-wide CSS rules to a style.css file in your child theme's CSS. You can edit style.css by going to the WordPress admin panel and clicking Appearance > Editor.

The advantage of this method is that you'll have a larger editing screen than for Method 2.

  • Edit style.css only in a child theme, or you'll lose your work when the parent theme gets updated.

  • The path to style.css is < site-root>/wp-content/themes/<child-theme>/. Any relative path you use in your CSS rules is relative to that location.

  • Some security plugins set read-only permissions on style.css so you can't edit it at Appearance > Editor. In that case, you'll have to download the file and edit it in a text editor or use the editor in cPanel.

  • If you switch themes and want to keep the CSS rules in style.css , copy the style.css file from your old child theme and upload it to your new child theme directory. Note that not all of the CSS rules that applied to the old theme will apply to the new one.

CSS Troubleshooting Tips

  • Invalid CSS is ignored when the page loads, so if you add a rule that seems to have no effect, check for validation errors. It can be as simple as a missing semicolon.

  • Alternatively, for a rule that has no effect, try adding !important before the semicolon of the declaration. For example:

    h1, h2, h3, h4 {
    font-size: 120% !important;
  • Another possibility is that the rule applies to the wrong <div> level. Use your browser's Inspect code feature to identify where the default rule applies and try adding those selectors to your rule.