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Beaver Themer and the Easy Digital Downloads plugin

You can create Beaver Themer layouts for the Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) plugin. Beaver Themer supports both the free and the premium versions of the EDD plugin. This documentation focuses on the free version, and this article gives you an overview of how the integration works and what types of Themer layouts you can create.

Basics of the EDD plugin

EDD is really a custom post type, and in its simplest form it's intended for digital downloads, free or paid, so we'll use that as the example.

In EDD, you create download items, which are the equivalent of single posts. If you want to view a set of download items, in other words, a custom post archive, you would normally use the [downloads] shortcode in a page and add various parameters to tailor the display of content. The shopping cart and checkout portions of EDD are automated, once the user clicks the Purchase button (or whatever name you assign it).

Beaver Themer layouts for EDD plugin pages

Using Beaver Themer, you can create the following types of Themer layouts for EDD:

  • Singular Themer layouts for individual product download pages
  • Archive Themer layouts to display a set of download items
  • Archive Themer layouts to display sets of download items by their category or tag

When you create an Archive or Singular layout and you have the EDD plugin installed, you can start building a Themer layout with an EDD template, preview individual EDD pages, and you'll have access to a number of EDD modules. You'll also see field connections to EDD fields.


If you want to embed EDD download items or groups of items on regular pages in your site, use the shortcodes and widgets provided by the EDD plugin and various add-ons. You can use the Posts module on regular pages to display sets of Download items, with the usual ability to filter what is displayed by category, tag, or individual item.