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WP-CLI for Beaver Themer

WP-CLI is a set of command-line tools for managing WordPress installations. You can update plugins, configure multisite installs and much more, without using a web browser.

After you've installed WP-CLI, you can enter the following command to get a list of all Beaver Builder commands:

wp beaver

The on-screen information will tell you what commands are available and the syntax of each command, with options and examples.

Currently, the following commands are available for Beaver Themer. To see a description of the Beaver Builder Plugin and Theme commands, see this article.

List all Themer layouts

The following command lists all of the Themer layouts with the following values:

  • ID of the Themer layout
  • Name of the Themer layout
  • Status of the Themer layout (Publish or Draft)
  • Type of Themer layout (part, footer, etc.)
  • Hook where the Part will appear, if the Themer layout is of type Part.
  • Locations to which the Themer layout applies
      wp beaver themer list

You can also use this command to list the values that can be used for the --hooks option to specify the location of a Part type, as described in the section below on setting the type for the Themer layout.

Change status for a Themer layout to Published or Draft

Changes the Themer layout status to either Published or Draft with the following commands.

wp beaver themer set-status --id=123 --status=publish
wp beaver themer set-status --id=456 --status=draft

Setting a Themer layout to Draft status effectively disables the Themer layout from being applied.

Set type for Themer layout

The following command sets the Themer layout type to Archive:

wp beaver themer set-type --id=123 --type=archive

The following command sets the Themer layout type to Part, using the -hook argument to determine the Part location, in this case before the content area:

wp beaver themer set-type --id=456 --type=part --hook=fl_before_content

To get a list of --hook values for --type=part, use the following command:

wp beaver themer list-hooks

Add a location to the Themer layout

Set the location of the Themer layout:

wp beaver themer add-location --id=123 --location=general:single

Add location general:site to Themer layout with ID 456 as the first element of the array:

wp beaver themer add-location --id=456 --location=general:single --position=0

Delete location from Themer layout

Remove a specified location from a Themer layout. Use the wp beaver themer list command to find the value for the location you want to remove.

wp beaver themer del-location --id=123 --location=general:single