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Add or disable smooth scrolling links

You can add an ID to a target row, column, or module so that links from other locations will go directly to that spot on a page. When target is on the same page, or on another page with a Beaver Builder layout, the page scrolls smoothly up or down to the target when the link is clicked. This helps users get a sense of where they are gooing to view the linked content.

In these instructions, we'll use the term element to refer to a row, column or module, and we'll call the destination that you want to link to the target element.

Add a unique ID to the target element

  1. Open the target element's settings in Beaver Builder.
  2. Click the Advanced tab and scroll down to the CSS Selectors section.
  3. For the ID setting, add a unique value such as my-unique-id.
    ID values must only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, or underscores.
  1. Open the element where you will create the link.
  2. If the link and target are on the same page, enter your unique ID with a pound sign (#) as the prefix. Following our example, your link will be #my-unique-id , as shown in the screenshot below.

If the link is created within the Text Editor or HTML module rather than an element with a Link field, set up the link the same way, with #my-unique-id, as shown in this screenshot.

If the link is to a target on another page, the link should be the full URL, followed by the unique ID with a pound sign, for example:

That’s it! When your link is clicked, it will go to directly to the target element, with a smooth scrolling effect if both are on the same page.

Smooth scroll to elements in text areas

By default, Beaver Builder’s scrolling JavaScript only works with links to rows, modules or columns, in which you set the anchor ID on the Advanced tab. If you link to a target HTML element inside a Text Editor or HTML module, such as a <div> element, the link will jump up or down the page rather than smooth scroll. If you are also linking from a Text Editor or HTML link where you can modify the <a href> link, you can set up smooth scrolling.

  1. Create an <a> anchor for the target HTML element. For example, you could create a target anchor called my-div for a <div> element in an HTML module, as follows:

    <a id="my-div"></a>
    <p>I want to link to this spot.</p>
  2. Open the element where the link will be and add the class fl-scroll-link to the <a href> link. For example:

    <a href="#my-div" class="fl-scroll-link">Click Here</a>

Customize smooth scrolling settings

You can add JavaScript to customize aspects of the smooth scroll: duration, scroll pattern, and offset for various devices.

Disable smooth scrolling for a target

You can disable smooth scrolling for a specific target from any link that occurs on the same page.

  1. When you add a unique ID to the target element's ID field on the Advanced tab in the previous procedure, add fl-no-scroll to the Class field below it.
  2. Create the link to the ID using the instructions above.